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Real-time updates

Learn how to make changes to your Salesforce records in seconds.

Patrick Monnot avatar
Written by Patrick Monnot
Updated over a week ago

Let’s be real - updating fields in Salesforce can be a pain - Too many clicks, tabs, slow to load. You update details in your pipeline multiple times a day and it adds up.

With Pod, we allow you to update any fields in a second, directly from your main dashboard. This information updated in Pod will be updated in real-time in Salesforce, so that your manager is happy 🙂

You’ll be able to update:

  • Reference fields

  • Free form text

  • Picklist fields

  • Dates

  • and more…

Blocked fields in Salesforce will also be blocked in Pod, making sure mistakes are minimized.

It takes seconds to update, search, or create a new record in Salesforce. Long gone are the days where you spent hours every week.

💡 Need help? Send us a message via the in-app chat or email us at [email protected].

🤝 Want to talk to someone? Book a session with one of our specialists!

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