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Contact Mapping

Tips & Tricks on how to leverage contact mapping capabilities

Patrick Monnot avatar
Written by Patrick Monnot
Updated this week

What is the Contact Mapping?

Contact Mapping is a feature in Pod that helps sales teams manage their engagement with a buying committee—a group of stakeholders involved in the decision-making process of a deal. It analyzes the health of the relationship with each stakeholder by evaluating interactions and providing insights into their sentiment and engagement trends. This allows sales teams to tailor their approach to each stakeholder, improving their chances of closing the deal by addressing concerns and focusing on areas of excitement.

How does Contact Mapping work?

Where to find Contact Mapping?

  1. In the navigation bar, click on Account 360

  2. Select a specific deal or account you're looking to analyze in the top search menu

  3. Select a Contact Map tab in the Account 360 menu of options.

Data leveraged

Contact Mapping leverages several types of data, including:

  • Emails

  • Meeting transcripts

  • Call recordings

  • Meeting notes

Sentiment analysis & trends

Pod conducts sentiment analysis to evaluate the tone of interactions with each stakeholder (positive, negative, or neutral). It also tracks sentiment trends over time, showing whether the stakeholder’s attitude is improving, worsening, or remaining consistent. This helps sales reps identify when relationships are becoming more positive or when they may need attention to prevent the deal from going off track.

Pod uses NLP models to analyze tone and content to determine sentiment.

Sentiment synthesis

For each stakeholder, Pod synthesizes key sentiment insights, highlighting the following areas:

  1. Areas of concern

  2. Areas of excitement

  3. Issues/questions that may need follow-up.

For instance, if a stakeholder expresses concerns about pricing during multiple interactions, that will be flagged. Conversely, if a stakeholder shows excitement about product features, that will be highlighted as an area to focus on during future engagements.

Action recommendations

Based on the sentiment analysis and trends, Pod provides actionable recommendations for sales reps.

For example, if a stakeholder's sentiment is trending downward due to concerns about the timeline, Pod might suggest scheduling a follow-up meeting to address their concerns or involve additional team members to help reassure the prospect. These recommendations help ensure that sales reps are intentional in their engagement strategies and address the right issues at the right time.

When does the Contact Mapping help?

Contact Mapping is particularly helpful in these situations:

  • Early in the sales process: Understanding sentiment from the beginning helps sales reps positively engage stakeholders.

  • When relationships need attention: If sentiment is trending downward, the feature alerts reps to address concerns before they become bigger issues.

  • During follow-up activities: By identifying key areas of excitement or concern, sales reps can tailor their follow-up strategies to focus on the right topics with each stakeholder, improving the overall deal health.

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